Post 2 Of 4
Prophet Noble Drew Ali- Founder of "Moorish Science Temple Of America" (MSTA)
Attached in Post#1:
An Article written by: Dr. Elihu N. Pleasant-Bey, DM Swift Angel #1 which highlighted the 1928 Pan American Conference For Indigenous Nation that Noble Drew Ali attended. Hosted in Havana Cuba
This is just my attempt and contribution towards us having a clearer sense of purpose and direction. I believe this attempt will give us a solid foundation to stand on as a people, so that we can stay focus on the fundamentals necessary to aid our ascension.
Continuation of Post# 1.
Questions and answers.
Question 1 was partially answered in the first post, where I gave a description of who our Noble was. Now I will answer the other parts of the question.
Question1: Who was Noble Drew Ali and what was his state of mind and objective as the founder Of MSTA?
I have already gave a brief description of events and activities he was involved in, so that we could have a clear insight into the caliber of man he was. I thought it was crucial for us to know, so that we can make conscious efforts to uphold his standard and be great representatives of what he was about.
Answer: In my effort to try to capture what was in his head space and objective, I think the section in the article that said "During the post-conference years the USA's refusal to yield the hallowed soil to the Moorish would result in a high warning from Noble Drew Ali, the Holy Prophet." And the Noble Drew Ali himself said "Until my Moors are free in their own home, the worst is yet to come. The United States owes the Moors a great debt; they must be made to pay and pay with compound interest. They have but one more war to win."
I found his statement to be very bold and profound. It was a clear indication that he was not an ordinary man. He was the epitome of a great representative of humanity and a depiction of how life should be valued. Having this discovery of the Caliber of a man the founder of MSTA was, I am sure proud to align myself with his principles.
Another section in the article gave a clear indication of what the Noble's intent and objective were, which I think need to be examine carefully and discuss. This knowledge must be clearly established on certain terms beyond the shadow of a doubt. It stated that during Noble Drew Ali appearance in Havana Cuba, he registered the Moorish Americans as a new generic Nation with a free National Constitution dejure. The big question is, What is Free National Constitution dejure. This is very important to know, because it is the backbone of his organization. We need to inner-stand, understand and over-stand. Now I feel like I am using the language of a real noble.😊
Follow up Questions and answers will be posted in future post.
Peace & Love😊