Knowtise Rekorde numbre AF062
all rize ande stande ande reemain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justise shirnette nezreen leslie in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. my free chozen nationall appellatione is thara najah bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. i ande all moors are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente. we are one god. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nunq pro tunq.
thiss knowtise is to Toronto Dominion Canada Trust dba TD Canada Trust with the Trustee TD Bank Group