1)On this day the 09th, in the month of May, a meeting was called with the Trustee and the Managing Director/Grantor for the Tharayah Express Trust. The meeting involved the creation Of AN UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATION namely "JEFT PL PRIVATE ASSOCIATION" from hereon call Association.
2)The meaning of the Association is Justice, Equity, Freedom, Truth, Peace and Love, for the purpose of operating under International and Common Law in collaboration with like-minded people with the declared living status. The registration date is the 15th day of May in the year of 2023. The registration number is RN 684 711 511 CA. private organization operating under common law.
3)Take JUDICIAL NOTICE that JEFT PL Private Association was created under the jurisdiction of THARAYAH EXPRESS TRUST a "Foreign Trust" which has no tax obligation under the Common Law.